B Vitamins


The B vitamin family consists of a group of individual vitamins. The most important function of the B vitamin family is to work as coenzymes in the body, mediating the energy production cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle. B vitamins are water-soluble and are generally safe in large doses because the body can easily excrete excess intake. Since B vitamins work synergistically in many of their functions, many people find best results when they are all taken together in a B complex formula. Individual B vitamins, on the other hand, may be recommended for therapeutic reasons, since their action in large doses can produce specific effects.


veggies and rice
B Vitamins
Niacin 500 mg PR (Item #223)
B Vitamins
Pantothenic Acid 500 mg PR (Item #229)
B Vitamins
Phytonutrient Based B-Complex Caps (Item #270)

B vitamins are nutrients important for cell metabolism, and for maintaining healthy hair, skin, nails, eyes, and nerves. They're also helpful for promoting brain and heart health. B vitamins tend to naturally exist together in whole, unprocessed foods. However, many people today consume a diet high in processed foods and find it challenging to obtain enough nutrients from food. Being water-soluble, B vitamins need to be replenished on a daily basis. Our Phytonutrient Based B-Complex provides the key B vitamins in a whole food base.

B Vitamins
Phytonutrient Based B-Complex Tabs (Item #240)
B Vitamins
Supreme Stress B (Item #826)

Stress affects us all at some point in our lives, and whether it be physical or mental, B vitamins play a crucial role in managing stress. The body utilizes B vitamins during times of stress; therefore, an adequate supply is necessary. These nutrients are also essential for nerve and immune system health. Homocysteine is a toxic by-product of amino acid metabolism, and elevated levels of homocysteine have been associated with negative cardiovascular health. Folic acid, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12 are all necessary to support of healthy homocysteine levels.