B Vitamins


The B vitamin family consists of a group of individual vitamins. The most important function of the B vitamin family is to work as coenzymes in the body, mediating the energy production cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle. B vitamins are water-soluble and are generally safe in large doses because the body can easily excrete excess intake. Since B vitamins work synergistically in many of their functions, many people find best results when they are all taken together in a B complex formula. Individual B vitamins, on the other hand, may be recommended for therapeutic reasons, since their action in large doses can produce specific effects.


veggies and rice
B Vitamins
Biotin 5,000 mcg (Item #209)

Biotin, a B vitamin used as a coenzyme in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, has traditionally been used to strengthen brittle nails and improve skin elasticity. It has also been used to give hair more body and shine. Recent research has shown that when taken in high doses, typically 5,000 mcg, biotin can improve the abilities of the trace mineral chromium picolinate (used by the body to regulate blood glucose). In such a high dosage, this B vitamin can become extremely versatile, assisting in proper metabolism, as well as providing blood sugar, skin, nails, and hair support.

B Vitamins
Biotin 500 mcg (Item #207)
B Vitamins
Coenzyme Methyl B-Complex (Item #211)

Methylated B Vitamins for Enhanced Absorption & Energy Support

Our Coenzyme Methyl B-Complex contains B vitamins in the superior "active" forms to support energy production and metabolism, as well as promote healthy skin, nerves, and adrenals.  B-complex vitamins support healthy homocysteine levels for those already within a normal range.  Methyl B vitamins are absorbed and utilized more efficently by the body and are most effective when taken together.  PABA is critical in folate metabolism and has been included with antioxidants CoQ10 and ALA to protect and support the diverse role of B vitamins in the body.

Full Details
B Vitamins
Folic Acid 800 mcg (Item #202)
B Vitamins
Hi Potency B-Stress (Item #244)