Relaxation & Stress
Adrenal health is important and well-known for supporting energy, sleep, metabolism, hormone balance, a proper immune response and more. The discovery and emergence of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) over the last thirty years has found that this complex signaling system in the body is involved in many vital bodily processes, primarily with homeostasis regulation. The ECS helps the body adapt to world around it every day, playing a major role in how we eat, think, relax...Full Details
Quality nighttime sleep is crucial for daytime energy and alertness, and gives your mind and body a chance to relax, rebuild, and feel rejuvenated. Melatonin may be helpful to get adequate and sound rest when the body’s circadian clock is out of sync, such as for those with jet lag or on an altered sleep schedule. Melatonin has further beneficial action as an antioxidant.
Melatonin exists naturally in the human body and is involved in setting the sleep/wake cycle. By setting our "internal clock," supplemental melatonin may benefit those with disruptive sleep caused by a variety of reasons. Additionally, frequent travelers may find melatonin useful in helping to normalize sleep schedules.
An often unknown attribute of melatonin is its antioxidant function. There are over 100 laboratory and animal studies of the antioxidant properties of melatonin.
Because of concerns of viral transmission of melatonin from animal sources, melatonin derived from cow or sheep pineal glands is no longer administered. Synthetic melatonin does not carry this risk. We use only synthetic melatonin for this reason.
Melatonin exists naturally in the human body and is involved in setting mammallian circadian rhythms. By setting our "internal clock," supplemental Melatonin may benefit those with disruptive sleep for a variety of reasons. Additionally, frequent travelers may find melatonin useful in helping to support their sleep schedules.
Quality nighttime sleep is crucial for daytime energy and alertness, and gives your mind and body a chance to relax, rebuild, and feel rejuvenated. Melatonin may be helpful in supporting adequate and sound rest when the body’s circadian clock is out of sync, such as for those with jet lag or on an altered sleep schedule. Melatonin has further beneficial action as an antioxidant. Our Melatonin Plus 5 mg also provides vitamin B6 and calcium, which are both key players in the synthesis of melatonin within the pineal gland and retina of the eye.