Probiotics produce compounds in the gut that lower intestinal pH, which creates a non-favorable environment for harmful invasive bacteria to survive. Some probiotics also produce enzymes and B vitamins, which support a healthy digestive system. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that promote survival and stimulate the growth and activity of probiotics which can improve the host’s health.
Probiotics, meaning "life," refers to good bacteria - such as Lactobacillus acidophilus - which is the beneficial bacteria present in our product. In order to obtain optimal intestinal health, it is important to support the digestive system with healthy lifestyle choices, including supplementing with beneficial bacteria. It may be hard to obtain an adequate amount of good bacteria via the diet, since many foods, including yogurt, often lose most or all of their Lactobacillus cells by the time the product is shelved, purchased, and then finally consumed. Our freeze-dried acidophilus capsules contain a minimum of 100 million viable Lactobacillus acidophilus cells per capsule at time of manufacture.
Probiotics (meaning "life") refers to friendly or good bacteria, such as acidophilus and bifidobacterium which are live microbial supplements that improve flora in the intestinal tract. Probiotics can be found naturally occurring in cultured dairy products, such as yogurt. Unfortunately, by the time yogurt is shelved, purchased and consumed little or no live bacteria is actually present -- which is why probiotic supplements are a great addition to the daily diet. Many consumers find probiotic supplements inconvenient due to short expiration dates and required refrigeration. Our Dual Action Acidophilus & Bifidus® capsules have a unique matrix that forms a gel at the surface, protecting...Full Details
Probiotics are live bacteria with health benefits. They provide the human gut with multiple supportive functions. Often referred to as "beneficial bacteria," these microorganisms help to digest lactose, protein, regulate bowel motility, and keep the GI tract, in general, functioning optimally. Because a majority of our immune system is housed within the digestive tract, maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall health and wellness. There are actually more bacterial cells in the human body than there are human cells! Many strains of "good" bacteria exist, but the majority of research has been done on a few selected strains--notably, the Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum strains...Full Details
Probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes each play key roles in supporting a healthy digestive system. Most probiotics produce certain compounds in the gut like lactic...Full Details